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Sugar Bomb Designs, Baby!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I should be writing. I should be blogging. I should be updating. But DAMN, I have no brainpower.

I am ALMOST caught up on refunds. Seriously. I think I have 3 left. w00t! (If you can read this, and have waited for a refund, it IS coming.)

I have ALMOST re-written the cosplay beanie pattern, and redid things to make it more sturdy. I like it a lot better.

I am working on this:

It's coming along well. I'm at the hood. I've been working on it basically when Galen goes down for a nap. Which has been maybe 30 minutes lately :/ I envy moms on twitter and facebook who have kids that nap for hours. One day, I hope to have one of those. My kids probably won't do that until they hit the age where they're expected to, ya know, DO THINGS around the house.

For now, I think I need a Pepsi. And to do a little more packing. And make some dinner for the little tyke. :)

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